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Submission guidelines for Adult and Business Books (general fiction, non-fiction and translations)

  • We do not accept any unsolicited manuscripts or sample material. We only accept submissions sent to us via a literary agent. Please note that Hachette India takes no responsibility for proposals sent directly to us. Emails about unsolicited work may not be responded to.
  • The list given below is an indicative list of agents available with us and is not meant to be either an updated or an all-encompassing list. Writers may submit a manuscript via any established literary agent, provided the agent is registered as a literary agency business.

Please also note that Hachette India does not recommend or endorse any particular agency, and the listing below does not mean that Hachette India is undertaking to accept a book submission made through an agent nor that an agent may accept the submission. Writers may engage and/or choose agents of their own volition and risk. Hachette India shall not be liable for any commitments, transactions or disagreements between writers and the literary agents they have opted for.

* First Forays Literary Agency: Contact person: Lalitha Ravindran (firstforays@gmail.com)

* Jacaranda Literary Agency: Contact person: Jayapriya Vasudevan (jay@jacarandalit.com); Smita Khanna (smita@jacarandalit.com); Radhika Shah (radhikasshah97@gmail.com); jacaranda.books@gmail.com

* Lotus Lane Literary: Contact person: Priya Doraswamy (contact@lotuslit.com)

* Labyrinth Literary Agency: Contact person: Anish Chandy (ac@labyrinthagency.com)

* RedInk Literary Agency: Contact person: Anuj Bahri (anuj.redink@gmail.com); Zoya Khera (zoya.redink@gmail.com); Sarah Zia (sarahzia.redink@gmail.com)

* SBI Impresario Pvt. Ltd: Contact person: Sorab Irani (soliirani@gmail.com)

* Sherna Khambatta Literary Agency: Contact person: Sherna Khambatta (sherna_khambatta@yahoo.co.uk)

* Siyahi: Contact person: Mita Kapur (mita.kapur@gmail.com)

* The Book Bakers: Contact person: Suhail Mathur (thebookbakers@gmail.com)

* Writer’s Side: Contact person: Kaniskha Gupta (kanishka500@gmail.com)

* WordFamous: Contact person: Dipti Patel (diptipatel@wordfamous.in)

* A Suitable Agency: Contact person: Ambar Sahil Chatterjee (ambar@asuitableagency.com); Hemali Sodhi (hemali@asuitableagency.com)

Submission guidelines for Children’s (general fiction, non-fiction and translations) and Reference books

  • We do accept direct submissions in this segment. Please send your manuscripts for children’s books, and reference (all ages) titles only to crsubmissions@hachetteindia.com.
  • This email ID is only for children’s and reference books. Please do not send proposals or submissions for adult and business books to this email ID. They will not be responded to.

  1. To ensure a quick reply, please email us the following:
    • ONE-PAGE proposal that outlines the plot/structure of the book, introduces the characters, and profiles the target readership;
    • Chapter break-up, wherever applicable, such as in non-fiction and reference books;
    • First three sample chapters to help us get an idea of your writing style;
    • Three samples of artwork if applicable;
    • A short author bio, no more than 200 words.
  2. All submissions should be typed up using legible font of 12 pt size or above.
  3. Incomplete submissions not keeping to the guidelines above will not be considered.
  4. We prefer soft copy submissions (.doc or .pdf) and discourage you from sending printed manuscripts by post. Jpgs and other image files of separate pages are not acceptable.
  5. We only accept submissions in English. Translations into English are welcome.
  6. Email submissions will receive an immediate automated acknowledgement, and a decision from us indicatively within eight weeks.
  7. Calling for a full manuscript or asking for revisions do not constitute a commitment to publish.
  8. Please note that we do not provide feedback or suggestions on how to improve manuscripts we have rejected.

If you have any further questions, please write to us at crsubmissions@hachetteindia.com

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