
Roxanne Hoyle

Mark and Roxanne Hoyle are the online family entertainment personalities and comedy duo behind LadBaby and LadBabyMum. Along with their two children Phoenix and Kobe, the LadBaby family, known for their parent hacks, pranks and love for sausage rolls, have amassed over 13 million followers. Mark began the LadBaby Instagram channel when his wife was pregnant with their first child. From what started as a fun social media documentation of becoming a father, the LadBaby family has gone well beyond the world of social media, disrupting the world of music, literature, and more. In just six years, through their hilarious family videos, chart-topping Christmas charity songs, hit podcast series, bestselling children's books and nation-wide clothing lines, the married couple have become one of Britain's most well-known and best-loved families.

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