
Freight Dogs

Giles Foden

The setting is that of a Wilbur Smith novel. After the Italian invasion of Abyssinia in WWII a rag tag colonial arm led by Britain's most eccentric army officer Orde Wingate fought to restore Emporer Haile Selaissie to the thrown. The camel corps was led by Laurens van der Post. Wilfred Thesiger also fought. The Italians were routed and Wingate riding a white horse led the the Emporer triumphantly back into Addis Ababa.

This is historical fiction at its best from a writer who has prize-winning form; a rich re-imagining of a bizarre WWII campaign that although the stuff of fiction actually really took place.


  • Classification : Thriller, Crime & Mystery
  • Pub Date : MAR 1, 2015
  • Imprint : Orion
  • Page Extent : 340
  • Binding : HB
  • ISBN : 9780857820747
  • Price : INR 1,299

Giles Foden

Giles Foden was born in Warwickshire in 1967 and grew up in Africa. He is the author of four novels, Last King of Scotland, Ladysmith, Zanzibar and Turbulence, and one work of non-fiction, Mimi and Toutou Go Forth. For five years he was assistant editor of the TLS, and was then Deputy Literary Editor at the Guardian. He's now Professor of Creative Writing at UEA. He is married to Matilda Hunt and lives in Norfolk.

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