
Reasonable Adjustments for Autistic Children:How to Make Their World Better

Luke Beardon

Autism acceptance has led to - at least, at surface level - an increased understanding of what autistic children need, and of what they find difficult to cope with. But is the world really making the kind of adjustments that would see your child truly thrive? In Reasonable Adjustments for Autistic Children acclaimed and much-loved author and expert Dr Luke Beardon sets out the full scope of what he sees as the essential adjustments we need to make to our homes, our schools and the wider world in order to allow our autistic young people to reach their full potential and be genuinely comfortable in each and every environment. From school uniform to train journeys and playdates, from dentists' surgeries to holiday resorts, Luke's book offers practical measures for adapting every environment or sensory situation. Absolutely essential reading for every parent of an autistic child, family member, caregiver, teacher or health and social care worker, this is a long-overdue book that has the potential to change the world for neurodiverse children, and for the children of generations to come.

  • Classification : Psychology
  • Pub Date : DEC 5, 2024
  • Imprint : Sheldon Press
  • Page Extent : 176
  • Binding : TPB
  • ISBN : 9781399815956
  • Price : INR 1,050

Luke Beardon

Dr Luke Beardon is Senior Lecturer in Autism at Sheffield Hallam University. He has published widely on autism and is renowned and respected for his uniquely inclusive, celebratory approach to helping autistic people thrive in a neurotypical world. He works with government authorities to develop services and model best practice, in addition to being part of a research team, and has spoken at many national and international conferences on a variety of autism-related topics. He has won several awards for his work, including the National Autistic Society's Autism Professionals Award for achievement in 2016, and has won the Autism Hero Awards in two categories, including for Lifetime Achievement.

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