
Work-Life Tango:Finding Happiness, Harmony and Peak Performance Wherever You Work

Kristel Bauer

The familiar concept of work-life balance endures, but does anyone actually boast of having a healthy ratio of work and personal time? Very few do, because our model for work/life leads to burn out - it asks individuals to chase a dream where work and life are both equal and distinct, where the demands of one do not contradict the demands of another. Simply giving 100% to the twin pillars of your life will not give you the work/life balance you crave. The good news is, there's a much more intelligent, holistic and effective way to live your life. Life has never fit into tidy little boxes. Family and social needs don't stop between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., and work pressures bleed into the hours between 5:01 p.m. and 8:59 a.m. all the time. And since the pandemic, the lines have become even more blurred, with remote workers bearing the brunt of the impact. It's time to embrace new wellness strategies, This book will show how taking a holistic and integrative approach to the complex demands of life and work will transform your happiness and producitivity. The book will contain three parts. · Part I will focus on strategies to thrive as an individual; specifically, maintaining a healthy mind and body by prioritizing oneself. You'll learn how to integrate healthy lifestyle habits into and throughout your workday, so that taking care of yourself won't compete with productivity but will support it. · Part II will focus on thriving at work. You'll learn about checkpoints and how to use these moments to wake up and realign your well-being with your personal mission. You'll learn how to create healthy boundaries, work through the common challenges that remote workers face and provide approachable solutions that you can immediately start integrating into your work life. Team leaders will gain key insights for managing remote and flexible teams so that they can create the conditions for success. · Part III is about thriving in relationships. While community and connection are vital to well-being, many workers struggle to form and maintain these bonds. This book will explain why connection is vital, and show how to encourage it. By identifying your personal mission and integrating the wellness strategies provided in TheWork/Life Tango, you'll be able to show up 100% in all aspects of life-in your career, for your family and friends, and for yourself.

  • Classification : Business , Management & Economics
  • Pub Date : FEB 27, 2025
  • Imprint : Nicholas Brealey Publishing
  • Page Extent : 224
  • Binding : TPB
  • ISBN : 9781399817455
  • Price : INR 699

Kristel Bauer

Kristel Bauer is a medical professional turned corporate wellness advocate, speaker and media professional on a mission to help individuals thrive personally and professionally while promoting vibrant company cultures. She is founder and CEO of Live Greatly, a media and educational company that helps corporations and individuals optimize well-being and performance.

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