

E M Forster

As Maurice Hall makes his way through a traditional English education he projects an outer confidence that masks troubling questions about his own identity. Frustrated and unfulfilled a product of the bourgeoisie he will grow to despise he has difficulty acknowledging his nascent attraction to men.

At Cambridge he meets Clive who opens his eyes to a less conventional view of the nature of love. Yet when Maurice is confronted by the societal pressures of life beyond university self-doubt and heartbreak threaten his quest for happiness.


  • Classification : General & Literary Fiction
  • Pub Date : SEP 1, 2011
  • Imprint : Hodder and Stoughton
  • Page Extent : 304
  • Binding : HB
  • ISBN : 9781444736298
  • Price : INR 1,450

E M Forster

Edward Morgan Forster was born in London in 1879, attended Tonbridge School and went on to King's College, Cambridge in 1897, where he retained a lifelong connection and was elected to an Honorary Fellowship in 1946. He died in June 1970.

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