
Breathe, Rest, Recover:Yoga Therapy For Healing From Long Covid And Fatigue

Fiona Agombar

Nadyne McKie

Long Covid symptoms can often leave people feeling incredibly fatigued and stressed, and conventional yoga practice may not be suitable for their needs or ability. This practice-based guide addresses the symptoms of Long Covid and fatigue directly and offers adapted techniques to help yoga therapists and health professionals work with clients struggling with their symptoms. Beginning with an initial theoretical explanation of the science behind Long Covid, each subsequent chapter focusses on different elements of this condition and offers scripted practices that professionals may read aloud or adapt as needed. Themes include a trauma-informed approach to stress, breathing techniques, how to rest, making a kind connection to the body, pacing vs moving, the five pranas, and working with the chakras to increase energy. Each section maintains a focus on helping clients reduce and better manage their symptoms in order to heal, with one chapter dedicated entirely to supporting children with Long Covid. This guide is an imperative resource for health professionals and yoga therapists on how to guide students struggling with Long Covid and fatigue symptoms in a way that won't exacerbate their conditions.

  • Classification : Mind, Body & Spirit
  • Pub Date : NOV 21, 2024
  • Imprint : Singing Dragon
  • Page Extent : 192
  • Binding : TPB
  • ISBN : 9781839975721
  • Price : INR 1,999

Fiona Agombar

Fiona Agombar is a yoga therapist and an Advanced Yoga teacher with the British Wheel of Yoga. She has taught on the yoga therapy course at YogaCampus, the largest accredited course in the UK. She ran teacher-training weekends through British Wheel of Yoga and YogaCampus, teaching yoga teachers how to work with ME and CFS in the UK. She was Trustee of Action for M.E for 10 years (major UK charity) and was a regular contributor to Yoga and Health magazine. She splits her time between the UK and Spain.


Nadyne McKie

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