
Shards and Ashes

Kelley Armstrong

Melissa Marr

The world is gone, destroyed by human, ecological, or supernatural causes. Survivors dodge chemical warfare and cruel gods; they travel the reaches of space and inhabit underground caverns. Their enemies are disease, corrupt corporations, and one another; their resources are few, and their courage is tested.

Powerful, original dystopian tales from nine bestselling authors offer bleak insight, prophetic visions, and precious glimmers of light among the shards and ashes of a ruined world.

Stories from:

Kelley Armstrong

Rachel Caine

Kami Garcia

Nancy Holder

Melissa Marr

Beth Revis

Veronica Roth

Carrie Ryan

Margaret Stohl

  • Classification : General & Literary Fiction
  • Pub Date : FEB 10, 2013
  • Imprint : Atom
  • Page Extent : 384
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9780349001364
  • Price : INR 520

Kelley Armstrong

Kelley Armstrong is married with two children. She lives in Ontario, Canada.


Melissa Marr

Ever since award-winning author Tim Pratt (Briarpatch Marla Mason series) and New York Times bestselling author Melissa Marr (Wicked Lovely series Graveminder) first met they bonded over their love of short fiction myth North Carolina and Heart of Darkness. After years of discussing finding a project to do together they landed on Rags & Bones. The results have far surpassed their hopes.

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