When the people of Turnham Malpas realise that all is not as it should be between Peter, the rector, and his wife Caroline, the smooth running of the village falters.
Then the appointment of a new verger causes trouble when events from his past return to haunt him, bringing violence and danger to the peace of the village. And there are the strange goings-on in the church at night, one of the villagers' houses is ransacked; a couple is beaten up...
But troubles in Turnham Malpas are put to rest as Bonfire Night at the Big House arrives and the celebrations unite the village once again.
Rebecca Shaw was a former school teacher and the bestselling author of many novels. She lived with her husband in a beautiful Dorset village where she found plenty of inspiration for her stories about rural life. Rebecca sadly passed away in 2015.
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw