Horses are sensitive and intelligent creatures and humans have respected, worked with and loved these animals for thousands of years. By understanding how a horse makes sense of the world we can strengthen our relationships with and understanding of these beautiful animals. If You Were A Horse explores the world through from a horses perspective to help us understand what their body language is telling us. Find out what the position of their ears can tell you about how a horse is feeling or what the different sounds a horse can make mean and much, much more.
Part of the series If You Were A. Six books designed to allow you inside the minds of some popular animals.
Clare specializes in non-fiction books for children of pre- and primary school age. Her favourite subjects are animals, history, art and culture. She has been shortlisted for the prestigious Aventis Junior Science Prize, and won a dozen Practical Pre-School Gold Awards. When she's not writing, Clare likes spending time with her family, taking long walks, going to the theatre and watching contemporary dance - her favourite dancer is Akram Khan.
Clare Hibbert
Clare Hibbert
Clare Hibbert
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Clare Hibbert