
Seaside Towns

Clare Hibbert

In Seaside Towns you can compare tiny harbours and bustling resorts, and learn about the kinds of buildings and businesses they have today. Discover what goes on at a port and read about lighthouses, piers and fish and chip shops. The Beside the Seaside series looks at specific aspects of daily life by the sea, whether examining plant and animal habitats, exploring the various jobs people do, looking at types of buildings and structures, or comparing a holiday by the sea in the past and present day. An essential set of books for learning about all aspects of the seaside, and a perfect teaching tool for Key Stage 1.

  • Classification : Younger Readers (5-8)
  • Pub Date : JUN 8, 2017
  • Imprint : Franklin Watts
  • Page Extent : 24
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9781445137612
  • Price : INR 499

Clare Hibbert

Clare specializes in non-fiction books for children of pre- and primary school age. Her favourite subjects are animals, history, art and culture. She has been shortlisted for the prestigious Aventis Junior Science Prize, and won a dozen Practical Pre-School Gold Awards. When she's not writing, Clare likes spending time with her family, taking long walks, going to the theatre and watching contemporary dance - her favourite dancer is Akram Khan.

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