
Stupendous And Tremendous Technology: Mega And Mighty Machines

Claudia Martin

Say hello to the marvels of machinery with this fast-fact-packed exploration of all things mechanical. It's the perfect way for children aged 9 plus to brush up on their S.T.E.M. stats and cement what they have learned in class with this fun book. Machines explores the most interesting, weird and awe-inspiring facts about all kinds of machine in bite-sized chunks of text, so readers won't be overwhelmed with information. Funny illustrations and photos are designed to hold their interest, and help them engage with S.T.E.M. topics. Machines takes a look at the six simples machines, including wheels, levers and inclined planes as well as more complex machines, such as pulleys, springs and hydraulics. There is also a fun activity to build a marshmallow-flinging catapult for budding STEMsters to try out! The Stupendous and Tremendous Technology series is ideal for all children aged 9+ who are studying S.T.E.M. topics at school or who simply have a fascination with how things work. It covers all the core topics in a fun and accessible way. Title in the series: Clever and Crafty Computers Mega and Mighty Machines Remarkable and Roving Robots Terrific and Trailblazing Transport Also available is Stupendous and Tremendous Science: Ecstatic and Excellent Energy Happy and Healthy Human Body Powerful and Pongy Plants Soaring and Spectacular Space

  • Classification : Science & Technology
  • Pub Date : AUG 8, 2024
  • Imprint : Wayland
  • Page Extent : 32
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9781526316189
  • Price : INR 699

Claudia Martin

Claudia Martin has worked in book publishing for 17 years. She is the author of several books and websites for children and young people. Her favourite subjects are history, current affairs and technology.

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