
Isaac Newton

Paul Mason

This title describes the life and career of Sir Isaac Newton, including explanations of the Laws of Motion and his other great discoveries and an analysis of his legacy and contribution to science. It compares the world before and after his life - giving the clearest possible impression of his impact and legacy. Science boxes explain the science behind his discoveries, and quotation boxes present extracts from letters, diaries and notebooks. Towards the end of the book Newton's impact on subsequent world history is discussed, allowing the reader to appreciate the impact one individual can have on the history of the world.

  • Classification : Reference
  • Pub Date : AUG 14, 2014
  • Imprint : Wayland
  • Page Extent : 48
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9780750284776
  • Price : INR 599

Paul Mason

Paul's books cover a wide range of subjects, from whether the Romans ate crisps to how to build the world's best skatepark, but he writes mostly about sport. Whether you are interested in swimming, cycling, snowboarding, surfing or another sport, Paul has probably written something that will inspire you to get out and give it a try. Paul writes in a shack by the beach, which he shares with his one-eyed surf dog, Daisy.

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Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason

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Paul Mason


Paul Mason

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