
Olympic Expert

Paul Mason

Published to coincide with the 2016 Olympic Games this books gives young readers all the facts and stats lists quotes and trivia that they need about the Olympics. It will also take a look back at the history of the Olympics as well as looking forward to the events and people that will light up the 2016 Olympics and inspire a new generation of athletes and sportspeople.

A great resource for readers aged 8+ Olympic Expert offers information on the great variety of different Olympic events highlighting some 'must-see' moments while famous Olympians through history are celebrated with quote and mini-biographies. The book concludes with a big quiz.


  • Classification : Younger Readers (5-8)
  • Pub Date : FEB 15, 2016
  • Imprint : Franklin Watts
  • Page Extent : 32
  • Binding : HB
  • ISBN : 9781445148212
  • Price : INR 699

Paul Mason

Paul's books cover a wide range of subjects, from whether the Romans ate crisps to how to build the world's best skatepark, but he writes mostly about sport. Whether you are interested in swimming, cycling, snowboarding, surfing or another sport, Paul has probably written something that will inspire you to get out and give it a try. Paul writes in a shack by the beach, which he shares with his one-eyed surf dog, Daisy.

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Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason

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Paul Mason


Paul Mason

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