
The Vikings are coming!

Paul Mason

The terrifying Vkings are coming! Invaders and Raiders: Vikings describes how the Vikings invaded and conquered much of Britain and voyaged far and wide. Viking longships raids and fighting style are all explored alongside their beliefs and ways of life to build up a true picture of these most famous invaders. The book concludes with a look at the Vikings' legacy in Britain today.

Illustrated with a mix of illustrations and found objects each book in the series describes a famous civilisation its customs and organisations how it began and expanded and its eventual decline.


  • Classification : Reference
  • Pub Date : APR 12, 2018
  • Imprint : Franklin Watts
  • Page Extent : 32
  • Binding : HB
  • ISBN : 9781445156927
  • Price : INR 699

Paul Mason

Paul's books cover a wide range of subjects, from whether the Romans ate crisps to how to build the world's best skatepark, but he writes mostly about sport. Whether you are interested in swimming, cycling, snowboarding, surfing or another sport, Paul has probably written something that will inspire you to get out and give it a try. Paul writes in a shack by the beach, which he shares with his one-eyed surf dog, Daisy.

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Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason


Paul Mason

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Paul Mason


Paul Mason

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