
Evolution and Classification

Anna Claybourne

Evolution and classification are brilliant things to study scientifically. Plants, humans and other animals have incredible adaptations that mean they can survive in their habitats on Earth. In Evolution and Classification you'll delve into the science behind these marvels of the natural world by conducting investigations and experiments using the ATOM method - Ask, Test, Observe and Measure - to ensure you're working just like a professional scientist. Find out why camouflage is important for survival and how humans and other animals decide whether something is food or not. Discover the ways some animals attract a mate to breed with and the important role genes play! At the end of the book, scientific guidelines explain why scientists do things a certain way and the things they look out for or try to avoid.

Science Skills Sorted are six topic books for children aged 8+ studying KS2 science. The ATOM method is designed to help readers work scientifically as they are taught to in the classroom, and each of the investigations is accompanied by explanatory text to uncover facts about the topic. A range of experiments in each book means that while some may need a little more equipment than others, there are plenty experiments that are cheap and accessible, using objects easily found in the classroom or at home.


  • Classification : Science
  • Pub Date : NOV 14, 2019
  • Imprint : Franklin Watts
  • Page Extent : 32
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9781445151526
  • Price : INR 699

Anna Claybourne

Anna Claybourne has written over 150 children's books on all kinds of subjects, from sharks, black holes and splitting the atom to how to draw, Shakespeare's life, and Greek myths and legends. She knows a lot about conservation in the rain forests of Costa Rica as she once volunteered there for three months. She likes space, sewing and music, plays the trombone and loves going camping.

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