
Peaceful Planet?

Anna Claybourne

Peaceful Planet offers young readers a clear, insightful look at conflict - and peace - in our world What is peace? When people are living in peace, it means they can get along, solve problems together and help each other. The opposite of peace is war: when countries or other groups of people fight each other. When society is peaceful, you're free to get on with your life: to work, learn, travel, have fun and make things better for others, in safety. By contrast, wars are incredibly harmful, leading to death and injury, destruction of homes and infrastructure, poverty and widespread suffering. So why do we have wars - and how can we make our world more peaceful? Peaceful Planet? explains many reasons behind global conflict - from fights over land and resources to disagreement over beliefs. It explores the different ways in which conflict can take place, from huge global conflicts such as the Second World War, to civil wars, revolutions and power grabs. It also looks at how peace can be achieved, even in the most bitter and challenging conflicts, and explores what we can all do - at a global and an individual level - to help make the world a more peaceful place. Aimed at readers aged 9 and up. Contents: War and peace Living in peace Dealing with disagreements CASE STUDY: Iceland What do we fight over? Types of war Build-up to war CASE STUDY: The Second World War Weapons and war Working for peace Ending a war CASE STUDY: The Good Friday Agreement After the war United world What leads to peace? CASE STUDY: Building peace in Rwanda Peace leaders Big ideas What can you do? Peaceful planet Glossary Further information Index Titles in this series: Plastic Planet Hot Planet Recycled Planet Sustainable Planet Extinction Planet Peaceful Planet

  • Classification : Self-Help
  • Pub Date : MAR 28, 2024
  • Imprint : Franklin Watts
  • Page Extent : 48
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9781445187440
  • Price : INR 799

Anna Claybourne

Anna Claybourne has written over 150 children's books on all kinds of subjects, from sharks, black holes and splitting the atom to how to draw, Shakespeare's life, and Greek myths and legends. She knows a lot about conservation in the rain forests of Costa Rica as she once volunteered there for three months. She likes space, sewing and music, plays the trombone and loves going camping.

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