
Science-Ology!: Bacteriology

Anna Claybourne

The perfect guides to being inspired by science and motivated to master it through the exploration of its use in different fields of study What is bacteriology? What do bacteriologists do? What's so interesting about bacteria? These are just a few questions that are answered in Science-Ology! Bacteriology. Find out about the pioneering work of scientist through the ages, explore the tools and skills needed to be a bacteriologist and discover how some viruses can help fight bacteria. The microscopic has never been so mind-blowing! Each book int he Science-Ology! series looks at a high-interest branches of science and examines how the science and research is carried out, what tools are used, what skills are required and what discoveries have been made. Case studies from around the world introduce readers to the real-world relevance of studying each area of science. Filled with fun artwork and photos, this series aimed at readers 9 and up is sure to inspire careers in science. Written by award-winning author Anna Claybourne and reviewed by experts in each field.

  • Classification : Science & Technology
  • Pub Date : JAN 25, 2024
  • Imprint : Wayland
  • Page Extent : 48
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9781526321251
  • Price : INR 799

Anna Claybourne

Anna Claybourne has written over 150 children's books on all kinds of subjects, from sharks, black holes and splitting the atom to how to draw, Shakespeare's life, and Greek myths and legends. She knows a lot about conservation in the rain forests of Costa Rica as she once volunteered there for three months. She likes space, sewing and music, plays the trombone and loves going camping.

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