
Why does a mirror show things back to front? And other questions about light

Anna Claybourne

A fun, quirky science series that tackles the questions other books are afraid to ask!

Why does a mirror show things back to front? Why is the sky blue? And where does light go when you switch it off? A Question of Science: Light answers all these questions and much more.

With an engaging question and answer format, these books draw kids into science in a fun way. Each book features one question per spread with a clear explanation to follow, diagrams and fun and humorous illustrations. The quirky questions are designed to range from those that children will often ask to things they may never have thought of, but will still be keen to know the answer to.

Perfect reading for curious young scientists aged 8 and up.

Other books in the series include:
Why don't your eyeballs fall out? And other questions about the human body
Why doesn't the Moon fall down? And other questions about forces
How can a plant eat a fly? And other questions about plants
Where does lightning come from? And other questions about electricity
Why can't penguins fly? And other questions about animals
Why is ice slippery? And other questions about materials
Can you hear sounds in space? And other questions about sound

  • Classification : Sciences
  • Pub Date : MAR 11, 2021
  • Imprint : Wayland
  • Page Extent : 32
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9781526311573
  • Price : INR 650

Anna Claybourne

Anna Claybourne has written over 150 children's books on all kinds of subjects, from sharks, black holes and splitting the atom to how to draw, Shakespeare's life, and Greek myths and legends. She knows a lot about conservation in the rain forests of Costa Rica as she once volunteered there for three months. She likes space, sewing and music, plays the trombone and loves going camping.

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